One step spraydrying
One step spraydrying
Spray drying is the working horse in the world of drying. It can handle heat sensitive, non-heat sensitive and heat resistant pumpable feedstocks and turn these into a dry powder form. Many spray driers are installed in the world.
The majority of the products can be dried in one step. While being atomised into small droplets, it is exposed to hot air, evaporating at the spot. It is becoming dry at controllable temperatures.
Basically 4 phases can be distinguished
Contact between air and spray
Drying the spray
Separation of the spray
Characteristics of DW spray driers
Co current spiral movement of the product and air transporting downwards. It keeps the product cooler than the air, at all places in the drier
High rate of drying thanks to the intense contact of air and droplets. Our Rota swirl air distributor is unique
Controllable particle size, shape, form, moisture content
Operation is preferable continuous by its controls
Handle wide range of production rates, turndown ratios
Handle for ST-1 explosive materials
Low fouling rate
High quality of functional proteins produced,
Completely electrical heating
Transportable by trucks
Special options DW spray driers
Low temperature de-humified air injection possible
Adding solid materials in the spray zone
Co-spray drying
Air dehumifier including air filtration